Setting up a vendor

Setting up a vendor can be a pretty elaborate job for some of you, but don't worry. We are going to cover the basics of creating, saving and removing a vendor from scratch.

Creating & saving a vendor

Step 1 Create a vendor file in schema/vendor. Use the following template as an example for your own vendor:

local VENDOR = {}

VENDOR.UniqueID = "examplevendor" -- vendor's unique ID
VENDOR.Name = "Example Vendor" -- vendor's name
VENDOR.Desc = "A simple and basic vendor used as a template for other vendors." -- vendor's description

VENDOR.Model = "models/player/kleiner.mdl" -- vendor's model
VENDOR.Skin = 0 -- vendor's skin
VENDOR.Bodygroups  =  "0032000004" -- vendor's bodygroups; using Entity:SetBodyGroups function, for more details visit:
VENDOR.Gender  =  "male" -- gender of the vendor; basic ones are male, female, cp, fisherman
VENDOR.Talk  =  true  -- should the vendor play any greeting sound

VENDOR.Sell  = { -- here you put what the vendor is selling to the player
 ["example_item"] = { -- must be a valid item's unique ID
     Cost =  50, -- the price
     Max =  3, -- maximum amount of items before the vendor will no longer sell to the player
     Restricted =  true -- should the item that is bought be restricted?
    ["example_item2"] = {
        Cost = 10,
        BuyMax = 4, -- how many items of this type can a player buy from the vendor before his stock runs out
     TempCooldown = 60 -- time until the stock is refilled

VENDOR.Buy  = {
    ["example_item"] = {
        Cost =  10

function VENDOR:Initialize()

function VENDOR:CanUse(ply)

function VENDOR:Think()

function VENDOR:OnItemPurchased(class, ply)

function VENDOR:DoAnimation(animation)


Expanded vendors are provided with the skeleton schema. Feel free to look at the source code for examples!

Step 2 (Re)start your server if you haven't already.

Although Garry's Mod allows live Lua refreshing, adding new files to impulse: Enhanced requires a server restart.

Step 3 Spawn a Vendor Base from Entities tab, impulse: Enhanced category. Step 4 While being close and looking at the Vendor Base entity, open your developer console (default key: `) and type the following commands in the given succession:

 impulse_save_mark (marks an entity for saving)
 impulse_save_keyvalue vendor examplevendor (sets the key value of the entity) - replace examplevendor with your vendor's unique ID
 impulse_save_saveall (saves all marked entities)
 impulse_save_reload (reloads all saved entities)

That's all! You have set your own vendor.

Removing a vendor

To remove a vendor from the game, aim at the vendor entity, open your developer console (default key: `) and type the following commands:

 impulse_save_unmark (marks the entity for removal)
 impulse_save_reload (optional, but recommended if you want to get rid of the entity immediately)